Agrosuper to buy majority stake at Chile’s largest salmon producer for $850 mln

One of Chile’s largest agricultural groups is buying AquaChile.

In a press release today Chilean food processor Agrosuper said that it would buy Chilean salmon company, AquaChile, for $850 million.

Agrosuper reported the purchase of 67% of the salmon company Empresas AquaChile to its majority shareholders, in addition to the launch of a Public Offer of Shares (OPA) to acquire up to 100% of the company.

In a joint quote from the Latercera news site, Agrosuper said:

“Agrosuper values the agreement reached with the majority shareholders of Empresas AquaChile SA, who in their 30 years of history and with a highly trained and committed team, have contributed strongly to the development of the salmon industry, so we want to have your input, knowledge and commitment in the future, to jointly continue contributing to position the country as agri-food power.”

Among the brands that Agrosuper currently own are Super Chicken, Sopraval Turkey, Burger La Crianza, King Chicken and Super Salmon (pictured).

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