Alaskan wild salmon harvest total hits 65 million, down a third from last year

Bristol Bay’s catch of 39 million sockeye has pushed Alaska’s total salmon harvest towards 65 million fish, though the states overall catch is down by a third from the same time last year.

The Cordova Times has reported that 12 million were harvested at Prince William Sound where upwards of 8 million humpies, 2.8 million chums, 1.2 million sockeyes, nearly 8,000 kings and nearly 4,000 cohos were delivered to processors.

They also reported that Alaskan statewide harvests of wild salmon exceeded 65 million fish through July 24, with total catches in excess of 44 million reds, 10 million pinks, 9 million chums, 471,000 cohos and 182,000 kings.

Bristol Bay’s harvest alone now exceeds 40 million wild salmon, including nearly 39 million sockeyes.

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