Explosion at Cargill feed factory

Accident in feed silo at Cargill’s factory in Halsa, Northern Norway.

The explosion occurred Tuesday evening.

“The situation as we know it now is that there has been an explosion in a silo, but we don’t know why. We’re in the process of finding this out,” Police Superintendent Jon Inge Moen of Nordland Police District told local newspaper Avisa Nordland.

He added that all employees are accounted for and are safe.

According to the Nordland County Police Twitter account, no reports have been received of any injured persons. Emergency services are dispatched.

“It was dust from fishmeal that had ignited, which led to an explosion. The incident is being investigated”, Nordland Police County later tweeted.

There was an extremely loud explosion, and according to witnesses smoke began to issue from the silo.

In July last year an explosion occurred at Cargill’s feed factory at Gunnhildvågen in Florø. No persons were in the building when the incident occurred, where the blast blew out all the windows on the top floor. In that instance it was caused by overheating in the raw material elevator.

Late summer is the high season for production of fish feed.

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