Huon Aquaculture plans Australia’s first onshore unit for large smolt


Huon Aquaculture will spend USD65m on its futuristic salmon farming vision, encompassing land-based and sea-cage farming.

According to The Mercury, Huon managing director Peter Bender said the company believed the future of fish farming was in a combination of land-based farming and sea-cage farming.

“We are looking at emerging technology to grow the industry, which is why we are pushing the limits of offshore farming with our Cape Connella Research Lease,” he said.

The plan is to grow smolt in a land-based unit to much larger sizes, around 500-600g, rather than the present 200g, before being transferred to sea.

Huon Aquaculture, located in Tasmania, is expecting construction to start this financial year and the nursery to be operational in 2018-19.

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