Marine Harvest Chile rescue more fish after salmon storm escape

Last week, a Marine Harvest salmon farm in Chile suffered a major fish leak caused by a massive storm that damaged the confinement structures.

Punta Redonda site was hit by a major storm leading to extensive damage causing to one of the biggest escapes -680,000 fish – ever in the industry.

To date 280,000 of the fish have been rescued and have been transferred to a nearby facility. Local fisherman captured the extra 30,000.

The fish have have been transferred to a nearby facility.

“The company is carrying out samples of the fish rescued from the affected center with an official laboratory and, in addition, random samples are being taken at the collection points for fish recaptured by the fishermen, which now total more than 30,000,” said Fernando Villarroel , general manager Marine Harvest Chile.  

“The company has acted quickly and with the support of two well- boats and several craft boats, where it has recaptured more than 250,000 fish (alive) and recovered more than 30,000 (dead). And as we have been informed, the recovery plan will last 30 days and we hope it will have good results, “explained the president of the Chilean Salmon Industry Association A.G. (SalmonChile), Arturo Clément talking to

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