Napier building new salmon processing boat

The concept of a ‘slaughter boat’ kicked off more than 20 years ago. Since then, Napier-owned “Tauranga” has been contracted to Marine Harvest, and combined the tasks of wellboat and slaughter station. Now others follow the idea of ​​using a processing boat to improve salmon logistics.

Although Marine Harvest was first to contract their own harvesting boat, this spring the Hav Line Group followed up with an even larger vessel, which will carry stunned and bled fish directly to the European end market via Denmark.

The latter seems to Kjetil Tufteland, general manager of shipping company Napier, to be an exciting concept.

“One third of our fish will be picked up in Agder [Southern Norway], and we’ll travel north for nine hours, to Hjelmeland. But we could equally well travel nine hours south, to Denmark,” he tells Salmon Business.

New construction
On Tuesday evening, iLaks reported that Napier has given the contract for a new processing boat to Fitjar Mechanical Yard, the cornerstone company in the village where Tufteland grew up.

The new Napier boat will be delivered in December 2018.

Like Napier’s “Tauranga”, the newly built “Taupo” will also take its name from a city in New Zealand.

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