Net cleaning robots to set off to Chile

Chilean aquaculture service operator, Yagan Chile, has placed an order to purchase two Racemaster net cleaning robot systems from Norwegian technology company MPI (Multi Pump Innovation).

MPI develops and manufactures net cleaning systems for the aquaculture industry and has sold to fish farmers in Norway, Scotland, Australia, Canada and now Chile. The Racemaster 3.0 – remotely operated net cleaner 3.0 follows in the footsteps of the first generation Terminator net cleaning system and the second generation R.O.N.C.

The company say that the Racemaster 3.0. is the fastest net cleaner in the world and uses up to 30 percent less fuel compared with similar systems. It has a cleaning width of 1.9 metres and four drums enables the robot to stretch the nets, to improve climbing and cleaning performance and manoeuvrability on baggy nets and during challenging conditions.

In total, MPI has supplied more than 700 net cleaning systems worldwide but this is the 30th Racemaster 3.0 robot they have sold.

“Basically, the Racemaster saves time and reduces fuel and maintenance costs. As service companies are competing to deliver the most cost efficient services to fish farmers, the robot has proved extremely popular from day one. It is also capable of handling strong currents and rough conditions, which makes it an even more reliable service partner,” said Kåre Myrvåg, CEO of MPI.

In 2016, Norwegian seafood investor Broodstock Capital acquired a 70 percent ownership share in MPI.

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