The initiators of Aquantum Leap, Norwegian company Seafarming Systems, believe the concept could be a huge leap for the aquaculture industry. The company has applied for 24 development licenses.
Nutreco has taken a 40 percent stake in Norwegian farming concept Aquantum Leap.
The development process of the project will take seven years, and in total, Seafarmings Systems will spend 145 million dollars on a two-part concept, according to Stavanger Aftenblad.
The first part of the project consist of a closed cagessystem at sea for smolt, with flexible bottom and escape-proof cloth. When large enough, the smolt will be moved to a 120 meter diameter cage that holds 500,000 cubic meters of water.
Stable construction
According to Seafarming Systems entrepreneurs Espen Eriksen and Alf Reidar Sandstad, this giant cultivation is the world’s largest breeding construction, that will remain tranquil even at rough sea conditions.

“When the sea gets rough, the waves inside closed tanks can become bigger than the waves outside. We all have experienced that the coffee cup overflows when we carry it into the office. This effect is called standing waves, and when the wave height rises, the forces increase dramatically. This could damage both fish and facilities,” Sandstad explained to Stavanger Aftenblad.
Investing in solutions
Nutreco, the parent company of Skretting and one of the world’s largest feed companies, has entered into in the newly established company Aquantum Leap to invest in the future of aqauculture.
“We do not yet know how much money we will eventually invest in the project. There is no amount set in the contract. The point for us is that we see that demand for salmon feed has stopped, while demand for salmon is increasing. Therefore, we need to take part in resolving some of the challenges facing the industry. We believe that ‘Aquantum Leap’ can be part of the solution,” said Nutreco’s Innovation Director Viggo Halseth.
Seafarming Systems confirms the company has applied for development permits.
“I can confirm we have applied for 24 permits,” said Espen Eriksen.