Russia destroy tons of salmon after most successful fishing season in a century

A record catch and a record low price.

Currently Russia is enjoying an wild salmon fishing bonanza that has been unmatched in 110 years. As of the 28th of August, their catch of Pacific salmon in Kamchatka, on the Russia far east, made up a record 450,000 tons according to the latest numbers of the Russian Federal Fisheries as reported in Pravda.

This year’s catch is 88% more than on the same date in 2016 and it may reach 520,000 tons at the end of the year. However not everyone is happy.

The price of salmon (chinook salmon, sockeye salmon, pink salmon, keta, coho salmon) has fallen to around EUR 0.98 per kilo. Pravda, formerly the official newspaper of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, say that fisherman are throwing excessive and expensive fish away in forests and roadsides.

Alongside salmon, another Russian export has been hitting the curb, caviar. The publication also reported that fisheries have been dumping tons of Pacific salmon roe to rot out in the open.


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