Scottish MP: “Young’s should not profit from the sale of Pinneys and the job losses they have caused”

The former Young’s Seafood site been put on the open market with MP’s calling to do more for former staff. 

Young’s Seafood confirmed on 3 September that it has now ceased production at the Pinney’s of Annan site and the majority of the workforce has now left the company. A skeleton staff of around 50 are expected to remain on site until November to oversee the close-down procedure.

The 150,000 square feet site on Stapleton Road has now been put up for sale by Leeds firm, Dove Haigh Phillips. According to the site, the Gallowaygazette, My Smyth said:

“As production has now ceased at Pinneys, Young’s will be looking for a quick sale to avoid paying rates on a site they are no longer using. I would urge them to show loyalty to the people of Annan, who have shown Pinneys loyalty over four decades and accept the best offer in terms of creating jobs and growing the local economy.

“This may mean taking the lower financial deal but at the end of the day Young’s should not profit from the sale of Pinneys and the job losses they have caused.”

In late August, 2 Sisters Food Group, which runs the Cavaghan and Gray factory in Carlisle, North West England, announced that it had a major contract deal with M & S, which he believes could provide opportunities for some workers.

Jobs Fair
Mr Smyth continued: “The top priority in the response to the closure of Pinney’s has been to find and secure alternative employment for every worker and that must continue. The previous jobs fair was a success in bringing companies to the area who had actual job vacancies.

“Due to the success of the previous Jobs Fair it is essential that another is organised quickly, preferably this month, given that production has now ceased.”

Scottish parliament
In Holyrood yesterday Fergus Ewing, the Cabinet Secretary for Rural Economy was asked MP Joan McAlpine, South Scotland, Scottish National Party what the latest situation is with the site, which was the largest employer in Annan before the closure.

Mr Ewing explained that the Scottish Government had been “intensively” working with Scottish Enterprise and Dumfries & Galloway Council, to encourage Young’s Seafood to maintain production at the site by offered a range of incentives including a reduction on rates and professional support to review the efficiency and productivity of their operation. “However” he said “it became clear that Young’s wanted to extract themselves from the site as soon as possible.”

He also added that “the Scottish Government is now seeking a new investor for the site and discussion are ongoing with a number of interested parties. Meanwhile, we remain committed to finding alternative employment for those formally employed at the site (…).

Furthermore he concluded that “in light of the further redundancies that took place in August, and in agreement with the local trade union, we have agreed to facilitate an additional jobs fair in the town in October and are now in the process of finalising the detail for that.”

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