Salmones Camanchaca begins its third consecutive harvest of antibiotic-free coho salmon.
Chilean salmon producer Salmones Camanchaca has announced the harvest of its third consecutive season of antibiotic-free coho salmon.
During the first two seasons, the firm managed to harvest approximately 5,000 tonnes of coho salmon. According to a press release, the company has plans to reach 6,000 tonnes by 2023, and up to 9,000 by 2024.
In the past, the Chilean industry has been blighted by Rickettsial Septicemia of Salmon (SRS), caused by the bacterium piscirickettsia salmonis, which affects salmon in the fattening stage and can cause high mortality.
Read more:Â Salmones Camanchaca’s operating revenue was halfed in Q4
Antibiotic-free salmon are in high demand in certain international markets, particularly Japan, which, according to Salmones Camanchaca, currently takes approximately 90 per cent of the salmon produced.
The company is also seeking to promote the product in the United States where it is marketed under the brand, Pier33.
Alfredo Tello, the company’s sustainability manager said, “We aim to develop a competitive but sustainable salmon farming and the continuous decrease in the use of antibiotics in Pacific salmon. However, it should be noted that we are committed to the responsible and efficient use of antibiotics in the remainder of our production runs, where appropriate. Each treatment with antibiotics is always prescribed by a certified veterinarian and with clinical evidence when treatment is required.”