Have salmon feed prices peaked?

There’s a sign that feed prices may have peaked.

In Spain, a ton of salmon feed declined by 0.04 percent to €1,614.58 in August, while for rainbow trout, a ton of feed fell by 0.05 percent to €1,574.58.

The declines are very slight but they nonetheless broke the trend in unprecedented spike in prices seen early this year. Inflation across the board, including energy, raw materials and logistics was behind the record feed prices.

Read also: It has never been more expensive to feed salmon

The price of feed represents between 50 to 70 percent of the costs of fish production. The inflation in feed and fuel prices have hit small fish farmers particularly hard.

The Spanish feed prices are updated based on the price changes that occur in the main feed grains and soybean meal as well as in the prices of the Mercolleida fish market, where the highest concentration of feed production in Spain is located, said news outlet Mipeces.com.


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