Milestone: Steinvik harvests first batch of organic salmon two years since transitioning

Norwegian salmon producer Steinvik Fiskefarm reached a “small” milestone on Friday with the harvest of the first batch of organic salmon from its farm, two years since transitioning some of its production to organic.

The company said the decision to produce organic aligns with its mission to “take care of the environment and ensure sustainable production for future generations.”

“Today is a small milestone for us,” said the company on Friday. “Today we slaughtered the first batch. The salmon have thrived in the cages at Seljeseth, where Sølve is responsible for operations at the site.”

It did not mention the volume of the first harvest, which will be sold by distributor Seaborn.

It said its main criteria for Seaborn organic are:
• max density in pen of 10 kg/m3
• the feed contains large amounts of marine raw materials made from fish off-cuts that derives from sustatinable fisheries
• high content of marine oil will make Seaborn organic a good source of the fatty acids EPA and DHA
• the nets are not treated with copper reducing the impact on the environment
• cleaner fish is used to keep the salmon free of sea lice
• Panaferd is a natural colorant in the feed for pigmentation
• no hormones
• no GMO
• no antibiotics

Steinvik got its first license at sea in 1986. It now has nine grow-out farms for salmon. It has recently invested in land-based facilities to grow larger smolts. The company also produces cleaner fish.

Former Mowi CEO Alf-Helge Aarskog was named chairman of the company in January 2022.


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