Land-based farmer reports record harvest and biomass for Q4 2023

Editorial Staff

The first quarter of 2024 is expected to yield harvest volumes between 800-1,000 tons.

Leading land-based salmon farmer Salmon Evolution concluded 2023 with record-breaking harvest volumes and its highest ever biomass.

As of December 31, 2023, the Norwegian company reported a standing biomass exceeding 2,200 tons (LW) and a net biomass production of 1,439 tons (LW) for the quarter, indicating robust biological performance with healthy appetite and low mortality at its Indre Harøy facility, according to a stock exchange update from the company.

The fourth quarter saw Salmon Evolution harvesting an unprecedented 1,104 tons (HOG), with a 90% superior share and a tight weight concentration. The first quarter of 2024 is expected to yield harvest volumes between 800-1,000 tons (HOG), with a significant increase anticipated from Q2 onwards.

CEO Trond Håkon Schaug-Pettersen expressed optimism for 2024, citing a highly attractive market backdrop with record-high salmon prices. “With a fully stocked farm at Indre Harøy, Salmon Evolution is poised to capitalize on substantial increases in harvest volumes in the coming quarters,” Schaug-Pettersen said.

Salmon Evolution is a pioneering Norwegian company specializing in land-based salmon farming, aiming for a production capacity of 100,000 tons HOG by 2032.

Salmon Evolution’s primary facility at Indre Harøy on the Norwegian west coast is fully operational with an annual capacity of 7,900 tons HOG. When fully developed, this facility is expected to produce 31,500 tons HOG annually.

Additionally, the company is expanding internationally, with a joint venture in South Korea for a 16,800 tons HOG capacity facility and plans for establishing operations in North America.

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