Austevoll Seafood CEO Mogster: The highest ever first half earnings

Aslak Berge

Salmon and trout paying well for Norway’s Austevoll Seafood.

“To put it briefly: we have achieved a good result. The first half of the year is the best in the history of the company,” says a clearly satisfied Arne Mogster, CEO of Austevoll Seafood. The company achieved an EBIT of €117,059 in the second quarter of the year.

Highest ever
As usual, earnings in the group were driven by the fisheries company’s majority stake in Leroy Seafood Group. High salmon and trout prices lifted the Leroy result to new heights.

“Leroy has had the highest earnings per kilo ever,” says Mogster.

Although it is Leroy which accounts for most of Austevoll Seafood’s earnings, the core business is primarily the catch of pelagic fish, especially in Peru and Chile.

“We are pleased that we have put behind us El Niño with high sea temperatures. We have an expectation of normal sea temperatures in the next year too,” continues Mogster.

All time high
Austevoll Seafood also has an extensive fisheries business in Europe.

“It is all time high on the quotas in the fish stocks we fish in the North Atlantic.”

The fish species that he talks about are herring, mackerel, hake, capelin and other pelagic fish.

High quotas, and consequently abundant access to fish, have led to a fall in prices for these species.

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