Time-saving water-quality tool, app debut

press release

Colorado-based water-quality outfit, In-Situ, has launched “a cost-effective” probe for spot checks and long-term monitoring of salmon-farm water.

Founded in the Wyoming home of Chester McKee in 1976, In-Situ now resides in a modern manufacturing facility in Fort Collins, Colorado. It trademarked AquaTROLL 500 is a “wireless instrument that streamlines data collection, saving hours in the field while delivering more reliable data”.

“Our goal with the Aqua TROLL 500 is to help bring sampling and monitoring into the mobile era,” said project manager, Ashley Steinbach.

“For us, it’s about helping people waste less time on data collection, so they can spend more time actually making decisions with their data.”

The tool is aimed at anyone doing surface-water spot sampling or profiling or remote monitoring.

The tool auto-configures, and its sensor is said to work quickly to speed up sampling. Automated data collection eliminates the need to record data in field logs.

“In-Situ’s VuSitu Mobile App records data directly from the probe to your mobile device when using the instrument as a handheld, Steinbach was quoted as saying.

“It connects right into telemetry systems for long-term monitoring, and it also comes with wireless-enabled data collection for surface water spot checks,” says Steinbach, adding that it would help trim monitoring costs and time in the field.

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