Novofish wants to produce a maximum of 1.577 tonnes of smolt a year.
Salmon smolt producer Novofish – which has a production unit in the Huelmo sector 40 km from Puerto Montt, Chile, – is seeking to invest USD 30 million in a new RAS farming site.
Novofish presented its aims to build a new biotechnological facility, which will produce 1.577 tonnes of juvenile salmonids a year- to Chile’s Environmental Assessment Service (SEA)
The company wrote in the assessment that: “Recirculation technology allows the holder to grow and transfer healthy fish without physical damage, directly to Wellboat for growth in sea farms, vaccinated and cultivated with the highest sanitary and environmental standards.”
Currently, Novofish claims that its three production units operate independently to produce smolt of 100 grams or more from fry of 25 gram and that production can reach 4,000,000 fish per productive unit per year.
In 2011, reported that Novofish launched its second recirculation plant that had a production capacity of 1 million to 1.2 million smolts of 100g per cycle (four cycles are carried out in the year).