Skaginn 3X hires new sales manager

Editorial staff

Food processing equipment facilitator Skaginn 3X has recently appointed Viktoría Alfreðsdóttir as Regional Sales Manager for Russia and Asia.

As part of the company’s effort to expand the Ukrainian is hired to help further network into Russia and Asia. Viktoría Alfreðsdóttir is fluent in Russian, English, Icelandic and Ukrainian.

“Viktoria will make an excellent addition to the team here at Skaginn 3X. It is great to have someone join the team with a completely new perspective and fresh ideas,” says Pétur Jakob Pétursson, Director of Sales Operations for Russia and Asia in a press release.

She will work closely alongside the Director of Sales Operations for the area, Pétur Jakob Pétursson Rapid Growth in Russian and Asian Markets. Viktoria has a bachelor’s degree in business administration from Reykjavík University as well as a master’s degree in brand management from Polimoda in Florence, Italy.

“Due to our successful projects in the Russian Far East, we have seen a tremendous increase in demand for our products and solutions from both the Russian and Asian markets. Viktoria’s cultural knowledge and language abilities, as well as her strong background in in-depth analysis into market needs, will open up plenty of doors for us in these markets,” says Pétur Jakob Pétursson.

Skaginn 3X recently completed JSC Gidrostroy’s state-of-the-art pelagic processing plant located in the Kuril Islands in Russia’s Far East. The company is also working with Collective Farm Fishery by V.I. Lenin in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy on the Kamchatka Peninsula to complete a fish processing plant and outfit a super trawler.

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