Abyss Aqua rolls out tailor-made ROV at Aqua Nor

Abyss Aqua, the service supplier that combines aquaculture and subsea knowledge, is growing fast. 

So fast, CEO Victor Jensen has to think twice about explaining the expanding fleet of work boats. “The company already has 14 boats. No, 15 in fact – we got a boat yesterday. We have two here in Trondheim. They are located at the quayside, ‘Fosen’ and ‘Amon’.”

“The special thing about us is that we work in both the subsea and farming sectors, between Abyss Aqua and Abyss Subsea. We are a prime example of offshore encountering aquaculture,” says Jensen, adding that it is sensational how much more professional aquaculture has become in recent years.

At the AquaNor fair, the Kristiansund-based company set up a newly developed underwater craft, a bright yellow ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle).

“We have spent over two years and fully a million in developing an ROV tailored for aquaculture. The focus is on work on the cages: Washing nets and inspecting nets – and a clean inspection ROV as well.”

“We have used a recognized work-ROV manufacturer to build it. A workhorse to operate 24 hours a day all year long,” Jensen tells Salmon Business.

“The main season is May to November, with high sea temperatures, which give rise to algal accretions on the nets, which means that the cleaner fish graze on that rather than eating the lice,” explains Oystein Kjonhaug, COO of Abyss Aqua.

The ROV is made without sharp edges, greater water flow and lower pressure. It has no shear effect that damages the mooring lines.

“And then there’s an environmental gain,” Kjonhaug adds. “Lower pressure reduces diesel consumption by at least 30-40 percent I estimate.”

“Five or six of our boats will be equipped with this. It’s about being as efficient as possible per square meter per minute,” remarks Kjonhaug.

“It’s a free-moving ROV, something completely different from a dishwasher. Because of its shape it can go anywhere. We have used it for half a year and are very pleased. Furthermore, we have ordered two new ones, including a larger and improved version,” continues Jensen.

“Since we operate in the market, our competitors will probably not buy products from us. So we have entered into a partnership with Pump Supply, which sells pumps and couplings and a full package to the whole world.”

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