Access restricted at largest seafood plant in North America

Trident Seafoods has new measures to which mean that If workers leave the plant, they cannot re-enter.

Kucb reports that Trident Seafoods new measures mean that crews delivering to the plant must stay on their boats, no new employees will start at the plant, and current employees are restricted from visiting the town. If they leave the plant, they cannot re-enter.

The rules are to “prevent the virus from entering our plant and to be able to complete our A-season operations,” at its Akutan plant.

Trident Seafoods’ Akutan plant processes over 1300 tonnes of seafood – including king salmon – a day.

During a press conference on Wednesday, both Chief Medical Officer for the State of Alaska Anne Zink and Alaska Department of Health and Social Services commissioner Adam Crum said that the state hopes to keep processing plants operating, and that there are currently no plans to shut them down.

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