Advanced feed barge sold to Icelandic fish farmer

Editorial Staff

Kaldvik to receive new AKVA Group AC600VR feed barge

Icelandic salmon farmer Kaldvik has announced the acquisition of a new AC600VR feed barge from AKVA group, set for delivery in the second quarter of 2025.

This barge, designed to handle extreme weather and high waves, is tailored for Iceland’s challenging coastlines.

The AC600VR features a unique V-shaped bottom, enhancing stability and ensuring smooth operations even in rough seas. Its reinforced structures offer protection against harsh weather, and it is designed for remote operation from shore, maintaining feeding system “up-time” for operational safety.

“Our V-shaped barge is perfect for these rough environments. It protects our equipment and keeps operations running smoothly, even when we can’t reach the site due to bad weather,” said Bardur Arnaldsson, Regional Manager North for Kaldvik.

Kaldvik’s decision to purchase the AC600VR follows the success of two similar barges previously delivered by AKVA group.

“We are very pleased that Kaldvik has once again chosen us as their preferred supplier for their new feed barge. With this new delivery, we look forward to providing Kaldvik with an optimal tool for success in the East Fjords of Iceland,” said Kent Ims Borsheim, Project Director for Feed Barges at AKVA group.


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