Agrosuper closes Aquachile aquisition to become second largest salmon farmer on earth

It’s official.

Agrosuper had launched a takeover offer for all the public shares of AquaChile on Dec. 14, having agreed on a deal for the company earlier in the year, according to latercera.

With the formalisation of the acquisition of 99.71% of the total subscribed and paid shares, Agrosuper has now fully taken control of Empresas Aquachile, combining the salmon farming expertise of both the Puchi and Fischer families’, as informed to Chile’s Financial Market Commission.

The amount of shares acquired corresponds to 1,153,643,052 units.
Chilean food conglomerate Agrosuper announced back in August its intention to buy AquaChile (through a Public Offer of Acquisition) for USD 850 million, effectively turning it into one of the largest salmon farmers in the world, ahead of Lerøy Seafood Group and SalMar, but still behind Mowi.

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