All-time high third quarter for Marine Harvest

Marine Harvest achieved an operational EBIT of €194m in the third quarter of 2017, compared to €180m in the corresponding quarter of 2016.

Supported by the good results, a strong market outlook, and a solid financial position, the Board has proposed a quarterly dividend of NOK 3.40 per share.

“Driven by high salmon prices on strong demand and improved contributions from our sales contracts, we achieved record high operational results in the third
quarter,” says CEO Alf-Helge Aarskog.

“It is encouraging to see that costs decreased for our farming operations in Norway, Chile and Canada in the quarter. Marine Harvest continues to have the
utmost focus on cost reduction throughout the organization,” says Aarskog.

Marine Harvest Group reported operational revenues of € 868m in the third quarter of 2017. Total harvest volume was 95 338 tonnes in the quarter. Harvest guidance for 2017 has been reduced to 369 000 tonnes because of biological issues in Norway.

Salmon of Norwegian origin achieved an operational EBIT per kilo of €2.24 in the third quarter, while salmon of Scottish and Canadian origin reported operational EBIT per kilo of €2.33 and €1.73 respectively. Salmon of Chilean origin reported operational EBIT per kilo of €1.30 in the quarter. MH Feed reported an operational EBIT of
€9.4m. MH Consumer Products reported an operational EBIT of €10.4 million.

“I am also pleased to see that our value-added production continues its improvements in a challenging quarter,” says Aarskog.

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