American Aquafarms signs agreement with Hyperthermics to convert waste into electricity

editorial staff

Hyperthermics to develop a waste treatment plant in Maine that will create energy from the sludge coming from the world’s largest closed pen salmon farm at sea.

The waste from American Aquafarm’s 36,000 tonne salmon facility will be separated in treatment plants at the pens and transported by barges to land.

Hyperthermics is a Norwegian biotechnology company that develops and supplies systems to to increase the efficiency of conversion of organic material into biogas and protein.

The company’s  biotechnology is based on the use of extremophiles, hyperthermophile bio-bacteria that live in extreme environments like hot springs near submarine volcanoes and other naturally heated sources.

On land Hyperthermics will transform the waste, together with waste from the smolt production plant, into energy and fertiliser.

“We have had good discussions with American Aquafarms over time,” said Stig Amdam, Sales Manager at Hyperthermics AS. “I am very impressed by their vision for sustainable salmon farming, along with their interest in our technology. We believe that it will be an essential contribution to greener aquaculture. For us, this agreement is important. The aquaculture industry is taking big steps in the green direction in more and more countries, and the project will be a prominent show-case for us in a new continent.”

CEO Mikael Rønes of American Aquafarms is pleased with the agreement. “As we target to produce the most sustainable salmon at sea, utilizing the waste from pens is crucial. Along with emission-free farming at sea, transforming the waste into renewable energy contributes to more sustainable activities in our smolt production and the processing plant on land.”

American Aquafarms is now working on the approvals needed to be able to realise the project.



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