Another six tons of illegal salmon seized in Chile

Salmon Business

Another six tons of salmon were seized during a routine inspection by the National Fish and Aquaculture Service (Sernapesca) and the Port Captaincy of Melinka, at the entrance gate to the Corcovado Gulf last Thursday, reports Diario El Divisadero.

The salmon was detected on two boats sailing out of the Puquitín channel, which directly connects with the Corcovado Gulf in the region of Los Lagos.

When the cargo compartment of the ship was opened, the authorities discovered a large quantity of whole and gutted salmon. The ship was ordered into the Port of Melinka immediately, in order to verify documentation and permits. Once at the Navy dock, it was confirmed that the two vessels were not registered in the Fishing Register (RPA) as vessels that provide services to aquaculture. Also, the fish was in such a condition (stored without ice in wooden crates, bad smell) that it was not suitable for human consumption.

Second seizure within a week
As a result, the owners of both vessels were summoned to the Court of Aysén for failing to prove the legal origin of a total of six tons of salmon. The fish was destroyed in the municipal dump on the instructions of the Health Office, since officials could not verify its origin.

The seizure happened only days after the one carried out in Quellón, where a vessel with 21 tons of salmon without proof of origin was detected by the Maritime Authority.

Read also: Police in Chile seize 21,000 kilo of stolen salmon

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