Arctic Sea Farm to dramatically increa­se salmon producti­on in Iceland

Arctic Sea Farm aim to grow its salmon operations in north east Iceland by 138%.

The Icelandic newspaper Morgunbladid reported that the comp­any plan to yield ten thousand tons in Dyrafjordur, one of the fjords comprising the Westfjords.

The proposed site is at Westfjords peninsula of Iceland.

The comp­any has draft­ed a prelimin­ary report assessing the en­vironmental impact of the increa­se. 

Last year, the comp­any recei­ved operat­ing licens­es that allowed 4,200 tonn­es of producti­on at the site, dou­bled in comparison with the previ­ous licen­se of 2,100 tonn­es.

Now efforts are being made to increa­se producti­on again, with an increa­se of 5,800 tonn­es. If app­roved, the comp­any will be aut­horised to reach 10,000 tonn­es.

Arctic Sea Farm also su­bmitted an initial food report earlier this year for plans for 4,000 tons in Arn­ar­fjor­d­ur. Fur­t­hermore, the comp­any’s licen­se gran­ted last year was 6,800 tonn­es in Pat­reks­firði and Tálkna­fjörður. Like with Dyrafjordur, all those sites are at the Westfjords.

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