Atlantic Sapphire board member sentenced to prison for dangerous driving

editorial staff

Runar Vatne was caught driving 177 km/h in an 80 km/h zone.

The publication Vår Oslo was the that first reported the verdict. The news has been featured in several other newspapers.

The hearing took place in Oslo District Court on Wednesday last week, and Vatne delivered a guilty plea in court, reported Dagens Næringsliv.

Speed-happy Vatne, who is known for often driving on the Nürburgring Formula One circuit in Germany, was behind the wheel of a Ferrari 488 Spider when he was caught on the E16 in South Aurdal, Southern Norway, at the end of August.

DN has been in contact with Vatnes defender Halvard Helle. He did not wish to comment on the matter. The newspaper has not been able to get a comment from Vatne himself.

According to the verdict, Vatne will be in prison for 23 days. He has also lost his driver’s license for 37 months.

Runar Vatne owns, through the company Vatne Equity, 4.6 per-cent of the shares in Atlantic Sapphire. That makes the former Pareto investment banker the land-based salmon farmer’s fourth-largest shareholder. He is also a board member of Atlantic Sapphire.


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