Atlantic Sapphire fixes temperature issue; harvests 365 metric tons of salmon for Q3

Editorial Staff

New chillers were introduced and put into action in the second half of September.

Land-based salmon farmer Atlantic Sapphire harvested a total of 365 metric tons of salmon for the third quarter of 2023, the company announced in a stock exchange update on Wednesday evening.

In response to the temperature challenge, new chillers were introduced and put into action in the latter part of September 2023, following a successful share issue.

The issue of elevated water temperatures at the Florida-based salmon farmer’s Bluehouse facility has now been addressed, according to the update.

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With the enhanced water-cooling capacity now in place, the company reports that water temperatures across all growout systems have been lowered to an optimal 14 degrees Celsius.

Standing biomass at the site as of September 30 is 2,350 metric tons.

Atlantic Sapphire is scheduled to unveil its comprehensive Q3 2023 Operational Update post the closing bell of the Oslo Stock Exchange on November 1, 2023.

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