Atlantic Sapphire founder says many land-based salmon farmers are in for a “rude awakening”

editorial staff

Frank reality of RAS.

In an interveriew with Undercurrent News, the co-founder and CEO of Atlantic Sapphire had a warning for the many land-based salmon projects around the world.

Around 90 companies are in the pipeline with a theoretical production capacity of close to 2.4 million tonnes of land-based salmon.

Johan Andreassen said that they will have their “hands full for the next two years”.

“This is very, very complicated, and I’m sure everyone is going to experience setbacks and roadblocks,” Andreassen said. “You need the right team, you need the right concepts, and you need the right location.”

He added that it’s “probably easier to pull this off in Norway or Chile for example, where you have an existing industry and supply so that if you have a mortality event, you can restock fish, get your hands on smolt from an external source.”

Atlantic Sapphire is currently building the world’s largest land-based salmon farm in Miami, Florida. Short term, the company expects to produce 23,000 tonnes by 2022. The overall aim is to provide half of the US’ salmon, 220,000 tonnes, by 2030.

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