Bakkafrost building bridges in Scotland

Editorial Staff

Salmon farmer commits to infrastructure improvements to support its operations.

Faroese salmon producing giant Bakkafrost Scotland is seeking permission to replace a small road bridge at Kishorn Base, Scotland to address health and safety concerns.

Engineering consultants Hydroplan, acting on behalf of Bakkafrost, have submitted an application for planning permission to Highland Council. The plan involves replacing the existing bridge over the Russel Burn with a new structure 10 meters upstream, according to a story in the Ross-shire Journal.

The current bridge’s unknown weight rating and associated safety concerns prompted the decision for its replacement, according to Hydroplan’s design statement. The site, part of the Wester Ross National Scenic Area (NSA), is also within the semi-industrialised commercial district of the Kishorn yard.

Hydroplan’s report highlights the contrasting environments surrounding the site, noting the scenic mountain views to the northwest and industrial infrastructure to the southeast. Despite the industrial setting, the Russel Burn corridor may support wildlife connectivity, including species such as otters.

The new bridge location allows for minimal track realignment and ensures the river channel can accommodate predicted flood flows. Designed with a slightly longer span and higher deck level (by approximately 360mm), the new bridge aims to enhance flood safety.

The new structure will feature a wider deck and a prefabricated steel truss design, replacing the existing concrete bridge. Bakkafrost Scotland, operating over 60 sites across the West Coast and Hebrides, including a hatchery at Kishorn, continues to prioritize infrastructure improvements to support its operations.

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