BC farmed salmon leads international exports in province

editorial staff

Record sales in 2019 set the foundation for a strong economic recovery from COVID-19, says Minister of Agriculture.

Farmed salmon dominated the Pacific province’s food and beverage exports, with international sales last year.

Lana Popham. PHOTO: Wikipedia

Published on the BC Food Processors Association site, BC posted record 2019 sales overall, up EUR 448 million from the year before, to a record EUR 6.7 billion.

BC Atlantic salmon outsold all other products with an export value of EUR 340 million.

“Our food and beverage processors here in B.C. have been at the forefront of innovation during the pandemic, adapting their businesses to suit both their needs and consumers. The record sales in 2019 sets the foundation for a strong economic recovery,” said British Columbia’s Minister of Agriculture Lana Popham.



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