Bio Marine appoint lice skirt specialist to new role

Editorial Staff

Tveiten has worked as a consultant in the field of design and development of farming equipment for a number of different producers.

Norwegian aquaculture supplier Bio Marine has appointed Svein Brudeseth Tveiten as the new head of textile products, underscoring a push to expand its lice skirt portfolio in response to growing market demands.

The company has identified the use of lice skirts as a key area for development due to increasing needs within the aquaculture industry.

“Nature is changeable, while farming requires predictability. More and more companies choose to install systems that ensure a good cage environment even in periods of demanding external conditions. In line with the fact that the producers are increasingly gearing up to protect the fish, we are experiencing an increasing demand for circulation, oxygenation, monitoring and then also lice skirts,” said Nils Hovden, marketing manager at Bio Marine.

Tveiten brings a significant amount of expertise to his new role, with many years of experience in producing lice skirts through his own company, Rantex Flaarønning. His work has focused on the innovation and creation of various textile-based solutions for aquaculture, including patented technologies.

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