Biomass doubles for Proximar with daily harvesting to begin late October

Editorial Staff

Land-based salmon producer Proximar has provided its fifth production update, highlighting a biomass increase to 735 metric tonnes by the end of Q3 2024, more than doubling the 360 tonnes recorded at the end of Q2.

The company also completed its first trial harvest on 30 September 2024 at its Oyama facility in Japan.

“We are very pleased to see the positive development in our biomass continuing through the third quarter of 2024. The water quality remains good, although the turbidity is still an issue. Our first batch is above 5 kg on average, and we remain on track for daily harvesting from late October,” said Joachim Nielsen, CEO of Proximar.

The company currently has 18 batches in production, with approximately 1.9 million fish. Proximar aims to reach an annual harvest level of 5,300 tonnes (HOG) in Phase 1.

Proximar has faced turbidity challenges in the grow-out phase, which led to a temporary reduction in feeding and slower growth. However, the installation of an ozone system is expected to improve water quality.

On 30 September, Proximar harvested 1.2 tonnes of salmon from its first batch, which was distributed to supermarkets in the Greater Tokyo area under the newly launched brand, “Fuji Atlantic Salmon.” Nielsen commented, “We are very excited to have completed the trial harvest last week. The harvested salmon averaged ~4 kg HOG with 100% superior quality, and Proximar confirms that the price achievement aligns with the company’s expectations of premium prices compared to the import price to Japan of Norwegian Atlantic salmon.”

The next production update will be released as part of the Q3 2024 report on 15 November 2024.

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