Bluefin tuna weighing in at 345kg removed from farm

Editorial Staff

On Thursday, workers at Firda Seafood’s Hardbakkeneset site made an unexpected discovery during a routine sea lice check: a bluefin tuna weighing 345 kg and measuring 290 cm in length had entered the net.

The Fisheries Directorate was notified immediately, and divers were dispatched to the site.

Divers quickly located and repaired the hole that the tuna had created, according to a  press release from the company.

300kg of angry bluefin caught in your pen? The Norwegian government has produced a handy guide on what to do next…

In line with established procedures, recovery nets were deployed. Firda Seafood noted the support they received from the Fisheries Directorate, which provided guidance on protocols and issued a permit for the removal of the tuna.

Following efforts from several staff members, the bluefin tuna was captured and euthanized. No escaped rainbow trout from the facility has been detected so far.

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