Brussels seafood show postponed

Virus fear stops the world’s largest seafood show.

“Diversified Communications has made the very difficult decision that, due to the magnitude of the unanticipated public health and safety issues posed by the rapidly escalating COVID-19 outbreaks and contagion, we have no choice but to postpone the upcoming edition of Seafood Expo Global and Seafood Processing Global, which was planned to take place on 21-23 April 2020 at the Brussels Expo in Belgium,” Liz Plizga, Group Vice President in Diversified Communications, said in a press release.

The Belgium government has affirmed the risk the outbreak poses with its issuance today of advice to cancel indoor events with more than 1,000 people to contain the spread of the new coronavirus.

The cancellation was not very surprising. Diversified Communications chose to do the same with the Boston seafood show, which they also host, last week.

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