Burnt down sushi factory reopens at new undisclosed location

Delpierre announces the partial resumption of sushi production at Boulogne-sur-Mer on the north coast of France.

The Delpierre factory which was hit by a fire on February 13, in Boulogne-sur-Mer, has resumed partial production in another site, reports La Voix Du Nord.

“All the teams have mobilized exceptionally in the last three weeks to find a new location and allow a restart of production.”

“We are delighted and very proud,” Delpierre CEO Stanislas Giraud told the publication. “The products concerned are the”air packed”ranges. We are not able to relaunch the “vacuum packed” ranges in the short term.”

“The resumption of the activity also required the disinfection and the restoration of some machines out of the burned site, as well as the order of new materials in Europe and in Japan,” added Giraud.

The causes of the fire is still unknown at present and a police investigation is still ongoing – especially since there have been numerous fires in the area.

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