Cargill steps up feed production across all its EWOS factories

editorial staff

A mild winter and spring have provided good growth conditions for salmon and trout. And with that comes an increased demand for fish feed.

Feed giant Cargill is to increase production in the months ahead across three factories in Norway. The company has entered into several new feed contracts, which means new jobs.

In 2015, Cargill entered the salmon feed market when it acquired EWOS.

“We cannot go into detail on who the new contracts are written with or the scope of them. But what is pleasing is that it results in new jobs for Florø’s part, and it is beneficial for both us and the local community, ” said Cargill Aqua Nutrition communications manager Hanne Dankertsen to Firdaposten.

Florø is in Sogn og Fjordane county, Western Norway.

Cargill Florø Factory manager Tor-Erik Røynesdal said there are five permanent and 20 seasonal worker positions going.

“We in the feed industry drive seasonal production in step with the aquaculture industry, so for the summer, the plan is to go for full production capacity at the factory in Florø,” Røynesdal told the newspaper.

Dankertsen also announced increased production and staffing at other of the company’s feed factories along the coast.

“High capacity is planned all over our line, so elsewhere, more personnel are being recruited,” he added.

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