Caroline turns into Aina, slams Norway

Storm Caroline was renamed Aina by Norwegian meteorologists, when she slammed into western and southwestern Norway Thursday, forcing the stoppage of nine ferry operations.

Norwegian NTB reported its offshore watchers seeing 11-meter waves, with high winds up around 160 kilometers an hour causing havoc for fisherman. Early Friday, seven ferries were still out of action near Bergen, Stavanger and in the salmon-farming districts of Sogn og Fjordane.

On land, strong winds continued Friday, with gusts reaching 100 km/h. In southern Norway, overnight rain turned to ice in some areas, making driving treacherous through Norway’s mountain passes and along roads at elevation.

Thursday night, the storm’s center shifted heavy winds, rain and waves toward ship-building municipalities near the town of Aalesund, the Norwegian Meteorological Institute said. Its 4 a.m. report called for winds 140 km/h on the windward sides of offshore-services counties Rogaland and Hordaland.

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