Catch of the Day: Limping into Its third edition

Editorial Staff

Catch of the Day limps into its third edition, the ultra-marathon runner par excellence of the salmon-comic world.

So here we are, pushing forward, inch by inch, edition by edition. At day three, the series is already breaking records, staking a strong claim to the title of the world’s longest-running dedicated salmon cartoon strip.

How much longer can we keep this up? Some quick back-of-the-envelope math tells us that while there may be 365 days in a year, once you subtract weekends (104 days), bank holidays (around 10), and sick days (let’s say 5 for good measure), you’re left with a mere 246 issues a year.

Why carry on, you ask, when the odds seem so impossibly stacked against us? Why carry on, you ask, as we face the cold indifference of an audience largely unaware of – or actively hostile to – our existence?

The answer is simple, as the ill-fated climber George Mallory explained before his final, tragic attempt to summit Everest: ‘Because it’s there.’


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