Catch of the Day: A letter to our readers

Editorial Staff

Against all odds Catch of the Day has survived to bring you its second edition.

Dear Reader,

We’d like to take a moment to extend our deepest gratitude for the dozens of constructive suggestions you were kind enough to share with us following the launch of Catch of the Day.

Your thoughtful feedback—ranging from the subtle “Please stop this” to the always-heartwarming “I’d rather eat salmon guts than see another one of these”—has truly buoyed our spirits as we forge ahead in the treacherous waters of fish-themed humor.

The overwhelming consensus seems clear: we should cease production of this cartoon immediately. Your input has not gone unnoticed. The suggestion to “stop before we embarrass ourselves further” was particularly inspirational.

So, thank you again for the encouragement, the lively debate, and the overwhelming number of unprintable (but no doubt heartfelt) suggestions. We’ll take all of it under advisement.

Best fishes,
The Catch of the Day Team


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