Cermaq Canada readies new semi-closed cage to take in salmon cohort

Cermaq Canada is counting down the days until a cohort of Atlantic salmon can call a new semi-closed containment system (SCCS) their new home.

The salmon producer on Monday said it has completed the installation of the system at its site in Millar channel, in Ahousaht Territory. The British Columbia site is the same one where the first trial also took place.

The company is installing an improved version of the SCCS based on the findings from the first trial.

Read also: Cermaq Canada doubles down on semi-closed cage system, sets stage for phase 2 of trial

The fish will be entered at approximately 90g coming from the freshwater hatchery to the SCCS in mid-October.

The tough polymer material that forms the inner liner of the system minimizes the interaction between wild and farmed fish, said Cermaq. Photo: Cermaq Canada

It highlighted that the tough polymer material that forms the inner liner of the system creates a barrier which minimizes the interaction between wild and farmed fish.

“Testing of the equipment and training of our highly skilled employees will occur for the next couple weeks before fish enter the system in mid-October,” the company said.

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