Chile: 10 percent more Atlantic salmon harvested in October

Salmon Business

The accumulated harvest of Atlantic salmon in October of this year was 460 thousand tons, 10 percent higher than in the same period in 2016, reports Mundo Acuicola.

The total fish harvest registered in October 2017 (Atlantic salmon, trout and Pacific salmon), reached 592,000 tons, 14.8 percent higher than recorded at the same date in 2016. This means obvious recovery after the problems with harmful algal bloom in 2016, according to the latest sector report issued by the Chilean Undersecretariat of Fisheries and Aquaculture.

Rainbow trout
The accumulated harvests of rainbow trout reached 61 thousand tons in October, an increase of 4.9 percent compared to 2016. Also 71 thousand tons of Pacific salmon were harvested in October, 79 percent more than in 2016.

Chilean egg production reached 583 million eggs, 6 percent higher than in 2016. (66 percent Atlantic salmon, 19 percent Pacific salmon and 15 percent rainbow trout). Also, up to October 2017, 7 million Atlantic salmon eggs were imported, originating from Iceland.

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