Chileans to raise sunken Seikongen

Salmon Business

A Chilean plan to raise the sunken wellboat, Seikongen — which sank in October 2017 with a cargo of 200 tonnes of salmon — has been aired by the vessel’s owner, CPT, Biobio Chile has reported.

The operation could take two months, the Web page cited local maritime governor, Hector Aravena, as saying. “In Valparaiso they are going to review the document and then begin work refloating the ship,” the news report said.

Complicating matters are the vessels 67,000 liters of oil and what must now be the rotting other half of its cargo.

The Chonchi coast’s remoteness and the vessel’s size have also tested local and company resources.

Read Chileans in salmon-salvage operation 
Read Camanchaca faces legal action after wellboat sinking

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