Cold storage business used by salmon companies chosen by government to store COVID-19 vaccines

Frío Pacífico will store Pfizer/Biontech vaccine in Southern Chile.

Biobío Region mayor Patricio Kuhn Artigues has announced on Twitter that the industrial cold storage company Frío Pacífico is to support the coronavirus vaccine effort.

Additional information in BioBio Chile reported that the site, based in Carriel airport, is used for storing salmon cargo, destined for the export market. Frío Pacífico said it was in process of expanding capacity. After being approached by the government, the company is now offering to store the vaccines for free when they arrive in the area.

Frío Pacífico said that it will also transport the vaccines for free also.

Pfizer/Biontech vaccines require a certain temperature and need to be kept at a temperature of about -70C to be as effective as possible, reports the BBC.

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