Cooke Aquaculture under pressure after salmon escape


The Ecology Action Centre is demanding stronger aquaculture regulation in Nova Scotia.

Yesterday, SalmonBusiness reported that thousand of salmon had escaped from a fish farm near Victoria in Washington State.

According to CBC News, The Ecology Action Centre is concerned that the same thing could happen in Nova Scotia, Canada.

“I think the fact that it’s Cooke, which is, you know, our largest [aquaculture] company in Atlantic Canada right now, definitely raised some red flags for me,” said Susanna Fuller, senior marine conservation co-ordinator at the Ecology Action Centre in Halifax.

Fuller believes the penalties for escapes should be more severe. She is demanding that stronger regulations are put into effect.

According to Cooke, they use a different technology on the West Coast compared to the East Coast. They planned to update the steel pen technology at the Washington farm, but decided to wait until the nearly-mature salmon were harvested.

Cooke attributed the fish escape to weather and sea, with “very, very strong currents, and unbelievable conditions.”

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