Corbion expands algae business executive team

editorial staff

Dutch company’s AlgaPrime is its flagship product for the fish feed market. Former Havbrukskontroll and EWOS executives to push key markets including Norway and Chile.

In a press release on Wednesday, Corbion writes that it has announced three strategic new appointments to the Algae Ingredients team. Corbion is a main supplier of algae feeds to the feed manufacturer BioMar.

Ruud Peerbooms joined Corbion in 2014 as Senior Vice President of Food will be President of Algae Ingredients.

A further two new executives will be focusing on key markets including Norway and Chile.

Geir Ivar Lanes. PHOTO: Corbion

Geir Ivar Lanes is now Senior Business Development Manager leading the application of Corbion’s AlgaPrime DHA ingredient in salmonid feed. Lanes has spent the past 21 years as Managing Director of Havbrukskontroll, a consulting company working with both aquaculture farmers and aquaculture suppliers within areas of broodstock, smolts, enclosed systems and sea Cage Production. His work encompassed nearly all technical aspects of the aquaculture industry supporting customers both in Norway and internationally.

Paula Arriagada Strodthoff. PHOTO: Corbion

Paula Arriagada Strodthoff is now Senior Business Development Manager and will be working with salmon farmers and feed companies in Chile. Strodthoff was formerly Head of Nutrition and Technology for EWOS Chile, where she was responsible for developing field trials and nutritional solutions for salmonids. She has 19 years of experience in technical support for human and animal nutrition.

“We’re thrilled to have Ruud, Geir Ivar and Paula on our team as they are committed to driving change within the sustainable aquaculture industry and beyond,” said Olivier Rigaud, CEO at Corbion. “Their expertise and commitment to innovation will undoubtedly expand AlgaPrime DHA’s footprint within key aquaculture markets and beyond into additional markets.”


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