Court allows antibiotics ranking

Salmon Business

Marine environmental organization, Oceana, has announced a ranking of companies based on those using the most antibiotics per ton of produced salmon between 2012 and 204, The Desconcierto writes.

Oceana obtained the data in the courts after access to information requests on drug us for salmon were turned down by producers citing industrial secrets prerogatives. The Supreme Court of Chile, however, forced the issue, compelling companies to disclose.

The five worst out of 27 was topped by Australis Mar and Trusal SA, com companies that used more than 900 grams of antibiotics per year per ton produced. They were followed by Salmones Aysén and  Salmones Multiexport SA, the latter only revealing its use of antibiotics for 2014. No. 5 was Salmons Camanchaca, which between 2012 and 2014 used over 600 g/t produced.

“The figures that we are disclosing reveal the indiscriminate use of antibiotics in the salmon industry, information that we have been requesting for years through lengthy legal proceedings and that is now transparent for the first time,” said Liesbeth van der Meer, executive director of Oceana Chile. For contrast, she said antibiotic use in the beef industry uses an average 45 g/t, while historically, some salmon companies had used up to 950 g/t.

Oceana’s survey found those using the least antibiotics were Salmones Caleta Bay. Landes Fish Farming, Marine Harvest, Salmones Antarctica and Mainstream SA were second, third, fourth and fifth least in antibiotic use.

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