Crackdown on diving sector as 63% fail to meet safety standards

Editorial Staff

“We will consider infringement fees in the event of serious breaches.”

The Norwegian Labor Inspection Authority has significantly ramped up its regulatory measures in the professional diving sector following extensive inspections. In a review covering January 2019 to September 2023, which included 105 inspections, the Authority found that 63% of the diving operations had one or more breaches of safety regulations.

The inspections revealed multiple instances of non-compliance with crucial safety requirements. These include inadequate mapping, risk assessment, and planning of diving operations, discovered in 26 inspections. Additionally, 18 inspections uncovered lapses in maintaining safety procedures for safe diving.

A concerning number of inspections, 23, found failures in preparing written work instructions for individual diving assignments, and 27 inspections revealed shortcomings in training employees on emergency plans and procedures.

Moreover, in 23 inspections, violations were detected concerning the logging of diving operations. As a result of these findings, the Authority has adopted a more stringent approach, including compulsory fines in two inspections, immediate stoppage in three cases due to imminent danger, and imposing infringement fees in four inspections ranging from NOK 200,000 to 450,000 ($20,000 – $45,000). There has also been one police report filed.

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Rosmari Johnsen, Acting Department Director of the Norwegian Labor Inspectorate, emphasized the high-risk nature of professional diving and the critical need for adherence to safety regulations. “Professional diving is risky work with a high frequency of accidents. We are now tightening up the use of reactions and will consider infringement fees and reports in the event of serious breaches,” Johnsen said.

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