Danish company opens land-based farm

Aslak Berge

Now the company that built the land-based farm is planning ten more.

Denmark is at the forefront of the development of land-based fish farms. Hanstholm and Hvide Sande already have the world’s two largest salmon farming facilities on land.

Now fish have been put into tanks at a new facility just outside Hanstholm.

“Our fish farm in Hanstholm becomes Europe’s largest land-based facility for saltwater fish. The first plant is now completed and filled with fish which will be ready for slaughter in May 2018,” Claus Rom, Managing Director of Sashimi Royal told Jyllands Posten.

Norwegian funding
Sashimi Royal is majority-owned by the Norwegian company Nordic Aquafarms, which is also a major owner of Fredrikstad Seafood, the company which is now building a land-based salmon facility one hour from Oslo. Nordic Aquafarms is debt-free and has an equity of €15.2m. The largest shareholder is the Rasmussen Group based in Kristiansand.

In the coming years, there will be an expansion of another three facilities. The investment will be in the region of €42.6m.

“We expect the farm to reach full expansion in 2020, and be capable of producing 4,000-5,000 tonnes of fish annually. We calculate an annual turnover of at least €32m,” said Rome.

The fish farm in Hanstholm produces kingfish, which is mainly used for sushi.

Ten facilities
Jens Petri Petersen, co-owner of the Hanstholm farm, plans to build an almost equal-sized facility near Thyboron.

“We are in the process of applying for an environmental permit for the farm, which includes three facilities, each of which can produce 1,200 tonnes of fish per year,” said Petri Petersen, who has earned a fortune on wind turbines.

According to Jan Larsen, CEO of Grakjaer, which has built the facility in Hanstholm, there are ten land-based fish farms on the drawing board in Denmark.

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