Death toll reaches 4,244 tonnes as toxic algea bloom hits Chilean salmon

editorial staff

Salmon farmers in Los Lagos and Aysén hit regions continue to fall foul of killer algae.

BioBioChile reports that Sernapesca’s latest numbers puts the number of salmon lost at 4,244 tonnes, equivalent to 2.7 per-cent of the total biomass active in the affected areas.

2,088 tonnes correspond to the affected sites in the Los Lagos region, equivalent to 8.7 per-cent of the active biomass. 2,156 tonnes dead in the Aysén region, corresponds to 1.6 per-cent of the biomass active in the affected areas.

In a statement on its site, Sernapesca writes that Mowi has used the fishing vessel “PAM Coral I” to transport 508 tonnes of dead salmon to be disposed of.

70 per-cent of all mortalities have sent to a disposal facility in the Los Lagos Region to date.

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